What Is Britesmile and How Does Britesmile Work?

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Boston BriteSmile is a professional teeth whitening service that is offered at one of their 'spa' locations or at an approved dentist office. They claim their system has proven to whiten about 9 shades per session. Their teeth whitening techniques uses a ‘Procedural Gel’ as the bleaching provider; this gel contains a 15% hydrogen peroxide base that serves as the bleaching compound. This gel also combines an accelerator, which is placed on prior to the gel application, which results in enhancing the whitening procedure. BriteSmile is a safe procedure as no local anesthetics are used and unlike most teeth whitening procedures, their whitening system will not ruin or harm the enamel protecting the tooth.

SmileBrite is pre-packaged and easy to use. The treatment takes about 60 minutes in total. Each session is broken down into two applications of the whitening material, and each application takes 20 minutes. The system requires the use of either gas plasma or a LED bleaching light which is be done at the dental office. Light is directed onto the correct position and simultaneously illuminates all the teeth that are to be bleached. Fortunately, the light used with the BriteSmile does not usually cause post-op sensitivity on the newly bleached teeth. Furthermore, BrightSmile’s patented LED technology has the ability to kill noxious bacteria on the tooth.

A dentist will first examine your teeth and gums for good oral health. Next, as you relax in the chair, the patented whitening gel is applied to the teeth and then the BriteSmile light will be positioned over teeth teeth to activate the gel. For the patient's comfort, a TV and music is provided while the teeth will lighten and the natural whiteness will be restored in about 1 hour. Using a completely safe process of oxidation and the combination of their revolutionary blue wavelength light, a process that used to take many hours to whiten teeth can now be completed in just 1 hour.

Results usually last 2-4 years, but some prefer to the do the BriteSmile more frequently. In the end, BriteSmile is unique technique in that it accomplishes white, bright smiles in just a fraction of the time.